Covenent Enforcement


Some of our residents are concerned with enforcement, or the lack of enforcement, of the neighborhood covenants.  This board wants to work with residents so that we maintain a community that is pleasant to live in and still maintain our property values. 

One of the recurring issues is the covenant which states that you shall not have your trash bins viewable from the street.  The board recognizes that these bins aren't small and are not easy to conceal.  The board would ask that if residents are going to keep them stored on the side of their houses that they make an effort (fencing, lattice or foliage, etc.) so that they are not viewable from directly in front of the residence.   Many residents have asked about parking boats, trailers or campers on their property.  The board recognizes that from time to time, through normal use, people will park these vehicles on their lots.  The covenants do not prevent temporarily parking  these vehicles on lots.  The board asks that homeowners limit parking of boats, trailers or campers on their property for no more than 48 hours at a time. If left on the property for longer than the allowable time, the board will notify the homeowner of the violation by letter and the homeowner will have 3 days from the date of the notice to remove the violation from the property. If not removed, a $25 penalty will be assessed to the homeowner for the second notice. All penalties will increase with each notification for all  covenant violations.

When considering other covenant violations the board as a whole will consider the reported violation and decide what course of action to take.  The board recognizes that this is a working community and that each resident has their own wants and concerns.  This board will strive to bring a common sense and fair approach when considering enforcement of all of our covenants.  The board wants to work with the community and urges anyone that has a question or concern about this issue to contact the board at